QGIS – Digitizing Points and Autofilling Attribute Value from Persistent Form in QGIS


I need to manually digitize elevation point maps. (using QGIS 3.24)
Instead of the default QGIS method ( enter point + enter height), I would like to inverse the sequence:
specify the height and then digitize all points with the height automatically set in the attribute table.

I suppose this should be possibly with a persistent form where I'd enter the desired value and subsequently activate the edit/add point function.

Is such a thing possible in QGIS?

Best Answer

  1. Layer Properties
  2. Attributes form
  3. Drag and drop designer. Drag your elevation field to Form layout
  4. Set a default value

All points you add will get the value. Digitize then change the default value when you need other values.

enter image description here

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