QGIS 3.22 Georeferencer – Fixing Coordinate Reference System Selector Not Showing Issue


I'm using QGIS 3.22 trying to go through the 3.16 training manual – 14 Module: Forestry Application – When following the manual instructions after opening the Georeferencer and loading the raster, instead of showing the "Coordinate Reference System Selector" I got an error message CRS was undefined: defaulting to project CRS EPSG:3067 - ETRS89 / TM35FIN(E,N).

After reviewing the literature I could not find the "options" tab where to check the "show CRS"

Best Answer

The look of the georeferencer may have changed since the tutorial was written. No automatic prompting happens but user must load the image and open the raster settings

enter image description here

Press the globe icon and select the coordinate reference system

enter image description here

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