Coordinate System – Projecting LAS to Local Coordinates Using Lastools

coordinate systemlaslidar

Is it possible to project LAS files using Open source tools eg. lastools if using a less common coordinatesystem like local swedish espg: 3008 as destination and espg: 3006 as source?

I see 3008 is not listed in the LAS tools project drop down.

Is it still possible with some other open source solution like fusion?

Best Answer

You could have a look at Transform CRS LiDAR point clouds in lidR and define the SWERF99 TM source -- destination coordinate transformation directly (instead of using the EPSG if the CRS is not listed), by defining the corresponding proj4 or CYS formats.

Liblas has also capabilities to transform data using the option -a_srs for the source dataset and -t_srs for the destination dataset, with a the corresponding proj definitions as used by the other GDAL tools. Liblas is a little bit outdated byt compiled against GDAL and Proj4.

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