GeoPandas – Polygon Boundary from Shapefiles Not in Latitude/Longitude Format

coordinate systemgeopandaslatitude longitudepolygonshapefile

I just downloaded the shapefiles for the County boundaries in Minnesota from [here][1].

Now I am expecting the boundaries of the Polygons/MultiPolygons to consist of latitude and longitudes (according to the metadata). Instead on loading the shapefiles I see huge numbers which don't seem like lat/long coordinates.

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

If you look at the last column in the tables (within the images) I am unable to understand what those numbers represent and how I can convert them to latitudes and longitudes.

The .prj file contains:

Is it possible to get the shape file for the county boundaries such that the locations are mentioned in latitude/longitudes?
Could you give me some suggestions?

Best Answer

Usually, information about the CRS can be found in the metadata file.

Section 4: Coordinate System Horizontal Coordinate Scheme: Universal Transverse Mercator

UTM Zone Number: 15

Horizontal Datum: NAD83

Horizontal Units: meters

Vertical Datum: not applicable

Vertical Units: Not Applicable

Depth Datum: not applicable

Depth Units: Not Applicable

As well as when reading the shapefile with GeoPandas, one can get the EPSG:26915.

import geopandas as gpd

zipfile = 'D:/TESTING/!mn_county_boundaries_500.shp'
# url = ''

gdf = gpd.read_file(zipfile)

print( #epsg:26915

And then reproject with gdf = gdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326") if needed.

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