Plot filtered patch sizes in R terra


I would like to plot patch sizes above a threshold in R terra.

f=system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
x=app(r,function(x) ifelse(x< 400,NA,x))
z=tapply(cellSize(y,unit="ha")[], y[], sum)

The "filtered" variable contains patches larger than 100 ha. How do I plot them in terra?

Best Answer

The filtered variable is a table of patch numbers and areas. The names of the table are the patch numbers.

To plot a map of TRUE/FALSE for those patches, do a boolean (logical) operator to see which values of y are in that set:

plot(y %in% as.numeric(names(filtered)))

enter image description here

or if you want a raster with those patches and their patch values (first I've made a copy so I don't stomp on y), set all that arent in the set to NA:

yf = y
yf[!yf %in% as.numeric(names(filtered))] = NA

enter image description here