QGIS – How to Handle Non-Geotagged Photos


Is it possible to import un Geotagged photos in QGIS?

As far as I know this was possible with plugin called eVIS.

As I see it, presently, all the photos which are to be displayed, on a map e. g., in QGIS has to be Geotagged. Is that so or there might be some way around it when using not Geotagged photos?

Best Answer

If you know where on your map your images will be displayed, you can:

  1. Create a point layer of the locations with the file path of the desired images as an attribute.

enter image description here

  1. Select the Raster Image Marker for the Symbol layer type

enter image description here

  1. Click the Data defined override button and choose Edit

enter image description here

  1. Enter an expression like this, where path is the name of the attribute column holding the image file paths. file:/// must be prepended to the file path.
'file:///' || "path"

Photos are displayed in the map canvas

enter image description here

This will work well if you have a CSV of coordinates and file paths as you can use Add Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layer... to make your points.

Use Meters at Scale as the size unit if you want a fixed size for your photos relative to the map.

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