QGIS Raster – Merging Many GeoTIFF Files Gives Huge Space Issues During Processing


While I was merging eight GeoTIFF files with each of files has 800MB-1GB of size, on the log of Merge tools in QGIS give me those error, which requires more than 3000GBs of free space. How it can be that? How to merge it effectively?

I already try in RStudio but the process is too long and eat my disk C for the temporary files.


My current imageries are like this, with each tile has size of 0.25×0.25 degrees. Are the blank area still counted as new raster and calculated in the size too?
My imageries

I already create using virtual raster, but no values in each band and the raster didnt show up anything. But on the histogram there is a spectral curve for each band
Information of pixel value

Best Answer

Your inputs are compressed and you are creating a non compressed output? Try adding a compression:

enter image description here

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