QGIS 3 – Manually Assigning Points to Line


I am fairly new to QGIS.

I have about 100 georeferenced counting stations for Munich and a street network given. However, both are from different sources and the counting stations need to be assigned to specific street links. Since the georeferencing of the points was not done accurately enough and often the data is even missing, I cannot use an algorithm for this. So my plan is to manually assign the points to the street links.

My desired outcome would be a street network where some lines have a Detector_ID drawn from the points in its attribute table. For street links without detectors, I would just leave this field empty.

Is there an easy/convenient way to assign the points to the street links manually and connect the attributes?

example for the georeferencing

an additional PDF holds the detailed description of where the counting stations are located (street, direction, )

Best Answer

You just need a field common to both the streets and points. Assuming your streets layer has a field with unique identifier, you can create a new field in your points layer (with a similar name) and enter the street identifier for each. Then you can easily use a join or a relation to link the data.

Streets layer with unique identifier:

enter image description here

Manually create a similar field in your points layer:

enter image description here

enter image description here

To add the attributes of the counting stations to the streets you can then make a join on the streets layer (Right-click layer name > Layer Properties > Joins)

enter image description here

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