qgis – How to Load Predefined Symbology in QGIS


I have a couple data sets with these files (image 1). When I load the symbology, I get random colors (image 2). The public domain I downloaded the files from have a predefined symbology (image 3), is there anyway I can load it?

file list

random color map and symbology colours

predefined symbology colours

Best Answer

  1. In QGIS, add an ArcGIS REST Server Connection using the following URL:


enter image description here

  1. Add the vector layer 250K Bedrock Geology

  2. Right click on the layer in the layers widget -> Export -> Save as QGIS Layer Style File... -> save the symbology as QML file.

You could try to apply this QML file to your downloaded data (right click on the layer in the layers widget -> Symbology -> Style -> Load style...)

enter image description here

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