QGIS – Keyboard Shortcut to Save Edited Layers from Digitize Toolbar


I need to do a lot of manual editing of existing layers in QGIS. To do so, we use tools from the digitize toolbar. Since we go back and forth between a bunch of layers, we need to save every single edit, so a keyboard shortcut would be useful. I looked at the editing page for the digitize toolbar, but I couldn't find an answer there.

Is there a way to save edits via a keyboard shortcut while digitizing existing layers in QGIS?
I'm using version 3.16.11 (Hannover) and a Windows interface.

Best Answer

Set a new keyboard shortcut :

  • Menu SettingsKeyboard Shortcuts…
  • Search for Save Layer Edits and assign a keyboard shortcut.

Documentation for Keyboard Shortcuts for QGIS 3.16 here (and newer if you change the version).

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