QGIS – Ensuring Correct Placement of TIFF Data with TFW File


I have no much experience in raster data in QGIS. I have an ungeoreferenced TIFF file with the related TFW file as below.


When I add the TIFF file to QGIS, the raster is placed in the wrong location as in the image (small dot is the raster). I didn't expect that.

enter image description here

Is the TFW file not enough to place a .tif data in the correct location? What should I do?

PS: If I export the map canvas as JPG (generates a JGW(world) file automatically) and add it to QGIS, it is placed correctly. QGIS exports also the JPG file as ungeoreferenced.

Best Answer

No. It isn't. You need to know crs of the data. Considering that you are working on Istanbul and that Easting and Northing of the upper values are 406443.06 and 4545334.18, the crs of the raster must be UTM (6°, EPSG:32635) or Gauss Krüger (3°, EPSG:5254).

If you set the right crs for the layer, it is placed into the right location. Try right-click - Layer CRS - SetLayer CRS...

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