Inverse Clip (Erase) in ArcGIS Pro Without Advanced License


In ArcGIS Pro, the 'Clip' tool deletes the parts of the input features that do not overlap the clip features.

I want to delete the parts of the input features that DO overlap the clip features. So, the inverse (or reverse) of what the 'Clip' tool does.

Ie, like the 'Erase' tool does, but without the Advanced license (which is required for Erase) and without having to install third party tools.

I'd be OK with using either Model Builder or arcpy for this to build my own tool. But the solution needs to be automatable and able to be repeated easily, like running a tool (so probably should involve actually building a tool).

Some of the answers in Performing reverse clip in ArcMap come close but they are either require Advanced Licence, third party tools or manual editing (eg, manual creation of a mask feature).

NB: Some proposed solutions that I've seen in various places (and actually used in the past, myself) involve the use of the 'Union' tool. This works quite well for Polygon inputs. However, it does NOT work for line or point inputs. I need a solution that works for all shape types.

Best Answer

In ArcGIS Pro Pairwise Erase is available with a Basic license and can be used interchangeably with erase:

Computes a pairwise intersection of the input and erase features. Only those portions of the input features falling outside the erase features will be copied to the output feature class.

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