QGIS Latitude Longitude – Importing Latitude and Longitude Data for UK

latitude longitudeqgis


I have a set of locations for weather stations (download easily from here: https://archive.ceda.ac.uk/cgi-bin/midas_stations/search_by_county.cgi.py?county=SHROPSHIRE&minyear=&maxyear=).


I want to plot them in QGIS, but when I import as CSV file, it places them in the completely wrong places. They are all in Shropshire, yet they are very far from Shropshire.

enter image description here

How I load the data

Project projection: EPSG:27700

enter image description here

Best Answer

The coordinates from the archive of weather stations are in WGS 84 project system. Try choosing this for your project (EPSG:4326).

The CEDA web site tells you this if you look further, for example ACTON BURNELL has ~ https://archive.ceda.ac.uk/cgi-bin/midas_stations/station_details.cgi.py?id=9923&db=midas_stations

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