Google Earth Engine – Importing CSV Table with Coordinates to Google Earth Engine


Exactly the same problem as this: Adding a CSV with GPS coordinates points to Google Earth Engine
I have tried the solution to redownload the .csv file as mentioned here but that did not work.

I have a .csv file (comma delimited, UTF-8) with containing coordinates as x and y columns:

To upload the .csv file as an asset I use the following settings in the dialog:
enter image description here
enter image description here

So I'm only changing the x and y column names.

For some reason the coordinates are not recognized and the x and y columns are displayed as floats:

The table may not have valid geometries

enter image description here

I've tried just about everything (changing csv delimiter, changing column names to latitude/longitude, add a property column etc…) can anyone help me out?

Best Answer

I created a simple script that generates the Javascript definition of the GEE points starting from a csv file:

In particular, given a csv with at least 2 columns containing respectively the latitude and longitude coords, the scripts generates the definition of all the points that can be then inserted in the Code Editor of Google Earth Engine.

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