google-earth-engine – How to Highlight Specific Pixels in an Image Using Masking

digital image processinggoogle-earth-engine

The two images below are the same.

In the images, the value of each pixel corresponds to a date in milliseconds.

enter image description here

In the top image, the pixels with the higher values – more recent date – are highlighted, while those with lower values are less highlighted.

The bottom image represents the raw mask of the image.

I imagine it is something to do with the masking of the image, but I am still figuring out what processing or operation was done to get this result.

Any ideas?


Best Answer

Since you said that you tried clamp(), I'm assuming that you want the values reclassified.

var alerts = ee.ImageCollection('projects/radar-wur/raddalert/v1');
var geography = 'sa';

var latestAlert = ee.Image(
    .filter(ee.Filter.eq('layer', 'alerts'))
    .filter(ee.Filter.eq('geography', geography))
    .sort('system:time_end', false)

var confirmedAlertMask ='Alert').eq(3);

var timeStart = ee.Date(latestAlert.get('system:time_start'));
var timeEnd = ee.Date(latestAlert.get('system:time_end'));
var differenceInDays = timeEnd.difference(timeStart, 'day');

// YYDOY (Year-Year-Day-of-Year).
var from = ee.List.sequence(0, differenceInDays).map(function(d) {
  return ee.Number.parse(
    timeStart.advance(d, 'day').format('yyDDD'))

// Milliseconds.
var to = ee.List.sequence(0, differenceInDays)
  .map(function(d) {
    return timeStart.advance(d, 'day').millis();

var alertInMillis = latestAlert
  // .updateMask(confirmedAlertMask)
  .remap(from, to)

// Classifying, or reclassing the values.
var classValues = [0, 1, 2, 3];
var remapValues = ee.List.sequence({start:0, end:1, count:4});
var remapVal = ee.List.sequence({start: 0, end:1, count:3});
var label = 'lc';
var latestRmap = latestAlert.remap(classValues, remapValues).rename(label).toByte();

print(latestRmap, 'remap')

// Iago's original maps, alert in milliseconds
Map.addLayer(alertInMillis.updateMask(confirmedAlertMask.mask()), {}, 'Millis mask Raw');
Map.addLayer(alertInMillis.mask(), {}, 'Millis mask Smoothed');

// Iago's maps without ".mask()"
Map.addLayer(alertInMillis.updateMask(confirmedAlertMask), {}, 'Millis Raw');
Map.addLayer(alertInMillis, {}, 'Millis Smoothed');

// Alert in days, without a mask
Map.addLayer(latestAlert.updateMask(confirmedAlertMask), {}, 'No Mask Raw');
Map.addLayer(latestAlert, {}, 'No Mask Smoothed');

// Alert in days, with a mask
Map.addLayer(latestAlert.updateMask(confirmedAlertMask).mask(), {}, 'Mask Raw');
Map.addLayer(latestAlert.mask(), {}, 'Mask Smoothed');

// Original data, same as Alert in days without mask
Map.addLayer(latestAlert, {}, 'latest')

// Original data reclassed
Map.addLayer(latestRmap, {}, 'lc')
Map.setCenter(-65.81, -9.198, 8);