Google Earth Engine CHIRPS Data – Solving Visualization Issues


I want to load Precipitaion Data for my region. But when I ran the code, just the global South beneath Germany appears. Can you help?

var styling2 = {color: 'red', fillColor: '00000000'};
Map.addLayer (;
Map.centerObject (Westfalen)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/DAILY')
                  .filter('2018-03-01', '2021-10-01'))
                  .filterBounds (Westfalen);
var precipitation ='precipitation');
var precipitationVis = {
  min: 1.0,
  max: 17.0,
  palette: ['001137', '0aab1e', 'e7eb05', 'ff4a2d', 'e90000'],

Map.addLayer(precipitation, precipitationVis, 'Precipitation');

Best Answer

According to the reference that appears in the citations tab of the CHIRPS dataset (, the data is "quasi-global (50°S-50°N)", so that is the reason why there is no data north of 50°N.