QGIS Zonal Statistics – Use “Zonal” Statistics with Line Features in QGIS

qgisrasterzonal statistics

I would like to find the minimum, maximum and (weighted?) average value of the raster cells intersected by a line (vector) layer. This is similar to what common "Zonal Statistics" tools do, but they all work on polygons only, not lines.

It appears that Hawths Tools have something similar called Line Raster Statistics, but I'm looking for an Open Source (non esri) solution.

I use QGIS, so either a native solution, plugin, or SQLite or PostGIS solution would be preferred.

Best Answer

For calculating stats from raster cells intersected by line, you can use GRASS v.rast.stats directly from QGIS processing toolbox. It can calculate 13 different stats.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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