[GIS] Zonal Statistics As A Table missing Features in Results

arcgis-desktopparcelspatial-analystzonal statistics

I have a point shapefile that includes parcel centroid features across a county in Pennsylvania.

I am trying to get a sense of the percentage of forest land within half-mile and mile buffers around each of the centroids. Using NLCD land cover data, I've created a raster that indicates the presence of forest (== 1).

I've then applied Focal Statistics to that raster to create a raster that indicates the % of area within a 1 mile buffer of each cell that is in forest.

I've then tried to apply these raster values to the parcel centroid shapefile using Zonal Statistics by table.

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked. Out of 28000 centroids, it's only working for 25000 of the points.

Why might this be happening?

Best Answer

Note the following from the 'Zonal Statistics as Table' tool; "If the zone input is a point feature dataset, it is possible to have more than one point contained within any particular cell of the value input raster. For such cells, the zone value is determined by the point with the highest feature ID". I suspect that the points that 'failed' may have been those of which other points with higher feature IDs occur within the same cell?

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