[GIS] Zebra grid is not displayed in map composer


in Qgis 2.6, in Map composer, while selecting grid frame style as Zebra, it does not works. Also while drawing coordinates points as exterior in map convas, it is not displayed.
Actually I am facing this problem in Mac OS. while composing a Map, the Grid and coordinates are not displayed, but when I export/ save as the map canvas in as JPEG/PDF, the Grid and coordinates is displayed in output.

Best Answer

The zebra style and coordinates work correctly in QGIS 2.6. Zebra style is dependent on the grid interval. To see the zebra effect you must first define a suitable interval in the units of your CRS. When you first create the frame the interval is zero and so no zebra-effect will be shown. Likewise for the coordinates. Until you define an interval, they will not appear because they too are dependent on the size of the interval.

EDIT: Additional detail enter image description here

To see and control the zebra effect you need to:

  1. set a suitable scale
  2. add a grid using the green plus sign
  3. Set the grid interval. The interval defaults to map units but can be in mm or cm. This is where QGIS controls the grid interval and thereby the zebra interval. If you are using map/CRS units for the grid, then thezebra is altered by the combination of scale (step 1) AND interval (step 3).
  4. select the zebra grid style.
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