QGIS – Fix XYZ Tiles Missing Issue in QGIS 3.2


I just updated QGIS to version 3.2. And noticed that the XYZ Tiles is missing. Are they removing it from QGIS 3, because I couldn't find any information about it? Does anyone know where I can find it or do I have to go back to QGIS 2 to get XYZ Tiles? Here is the screenshot for the current map source screen in QGIS 3.2.enter image description here

Best Answer

Although it doesn't appear in the "Add Layer" dialog, I can add XYZ tiles from this option in the "Browser" panel:

enter image description here

Right-click to add a new tile server connection, or choose one of the existing ones.

If you don't have a "Browser" panel open, use View... Panels... Browser to get one.

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