[GIS] Writing SpatialLines objects in R


I used the function landgenreport from the package popgenreport in R to create an object result.

This object is a list with various objects including SpatialLines class objects. I am trying to write these lines to a file readable in GIS software such as ArcGIS or QGIS. The problem is that I can not find a way to do that. I've tried several functions from several packages and I always get an error.


results$leastcost$paths[[1]][[78]] #this is the specific SpatialLine
Error in writeSpatialShape(results$leastcost$paths[[1]][[78]],"linha78.shp"):x is aSpatialLinesobject, not a compatible Spatial*DataFrame

So I tried to transform the SpatialLines object to a SpatialDataFrame and got another error message.

x = data.frame(linha78)
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : 
cannot coerce class "structure("SpatialLines", package = "sp")" to a data.frame

I've tried a lot a different possible solutions I read here and there, but it simply does not work. As such:

writeOGR with a spatialpolygon simplified by gSimplify

How to export a dataset with "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" as a shapefile


Best Answer

If you're using maptools it says not to specify the extension ".shp"


results$leastcost$paths[[1]][[78]] #this is the line

Update: You need to create a SpatialLinesDataFrame in order to write it out. In the OP you just created a data.frame (not spatial). id=1:length creates data.frame that has rows 1 to the length of your linha78. Try typing length(linha78 into the console, it should give you the number of rows for linha78 :

results$leastcost$paths[[1]][[78]] #this is the line
df<-SpatialLinesDataFrame(linha78, data.frame(id=1:length(linha78)))
writeOGR(df, dsn="c:/Ouputs" ,layer="linha78",driver="ESRI Shapefile")
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