[GIS] writeOGR column limit error: “Creating Name field failed”


I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame with 1057 elements and 4760 columns and want to export it to a shapefile. When I try to do this with writeOGR() I get an error:

> writeOGR(pts,dsn="/home/joana/Desktop/",layer="PT", driver="ESRI Shapefile")
Error in writeOGR(pts, dsn = "/home/joana/Desktop/", layer = "PT", driver = "ESRI Shapefile") : 
  Creating Name field failed

When I reduce the column number, everything works fine.But I really need all of the columns, is there any way to work around it?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04/R/QGIS

Best Answer

The shapefile format has some limitations due to the underlying dbase database format.



In your case, the limit of 10 characters field name and 255 fields total is hit.

Try some other format, like spatialite.

Or think about restructuring your database. Insert a new field called date, and store the data underneath instead of side-by-side in one column per day.