[GIS] Write projected array to NetCDF file, best practice


I'm trying to write projected rasters to NetCDF files including projection information in a way that GDAL can understand it. I found two ways to achieve that:

  1. By adding the geotransform as an attribute of the NetCDF variable containing CRS information
  2. By adding x and y (or lon, lat) coordinate arrays as NetCDF variables

GDAL seems happy with both options, but I'm wondering whether there is any preferred way/best practice? Which option best comply with NetCDF conventions?

See below for reproducible examples of both options.

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from rasterio.crs import CRS
from affine import Affine

file1 = '/path/to/test_0.nc'
file2 = '/path/to/test_1.nc'

# rasterio like raster meta information 
meta = {'width': 3000,
        'height': 2000,
        'crs': CRS({u'lon_0': 0, u'ellps': u'WGS84', u'y_0': 0, u'no_defs': True,
                    u'proj': u'laea', u'x_0': 0, u'units': u'm', u'lat_0': 0}),
        'transform': Affine(1000, 0, 0, 0, -1000, 0),
        'count': 100,

# Array of random values
array = np.random.rand(meta['height'], meta['width'])

# Util function to generate x and y dimension arrays (only used in second case)
def meta2dim(meta, side):
    """Generate a coordinates array from raster file meta dictionary

        meta (dict): dictionary of raster metadata (as returned by rasterio).
            Important keys are height, width and transform.
        side (str): 'width'(lat or y array) or 'height' (lon or x array)

        A list corresponding to center row (or columns) coordinates.
    aff = meta['transform']
    if side == 'width':
        res = aff[0]
        start = aff[2]
    elif side == 'height':
        res = aff[4]
        start = aff[5]
    steps = meta[side]
    array = [start + x * res + (res / 2) for x in range(steps)]
    return array

# First, using only geotransform
with netCDF4.Dataset(file1, mode='w') as src:
    # Create spatial dimensions
    x_dim = src.createDimension('x', meta['width'])
    y_dim = src.createDimension('y', meta['height'])
    # Create temporal dimension
    t_dim = src.createDimension('time', None)
    # chlor variable
    chlor = src.createVariable('chlor_a', np.float32, ('time','y','x'),
    chlor.grid_mapping = 'laea' # This corresponds to the name of the variable where crs info is stored
    chlor[0,:,:] = array
    # laea variable to store projection information
    laea = src.createVariable('laea', 'c')
    laea.spatial_ref = meta['crs'].wkt
    laea.GeoTransform = " ".join(str(x) for x in meta['transform'].to_gdal())

# Second, adding x and y coordinates array to netcdf file
with netCDF4.Dataset(file2, mode='w') as src:
    # Create spatial dimensions
    # x
    x_dim = src.createDimension('x', meta['width'])
    x_var = src.createVariable('x', np.float32, ('x',))
    lon = meta2dim(meta, 'width')
    x_var[:] = lon
    # y
    y_dim = src.createDimension('y', meta['height'])
    y_var = src.createVariable('y', np.float32, ('y',))
    lat = meta2dim(meta, 'height')
    y_var[:] = lat
    # Create temporal dimension
    t_dim = src.createDimension('time', None)
    # chlor variable
    chlor = src.createVariable('chlor_a', np.float32, ('time','y','x'),
    chlor.grid_mapping = 'laea'
    chlor[0,:,:] = array
    # laea variable to store projection information
    laea = src.createVariable('laea', 'c')
    laea.spatial_ref = meta['crs'].wkt

Best Answer

I just used xarray and my image was imported automatically.

When saved as netCDF it was readable in QGIS and was in the right place.

You have to have installed xarray, gdal and rasterio. The error messages are poor if you are missing a component.

import xarray as xr
rio = xr.open_rasterio('filename.tif')