[GIS] Workspace already in transaction mode


I am writing a script to use an updatecursor. The feature class is locked so I am versioning the database, creating a feature layer, and reconciling versions. I have taken the skeleton for my script from this thread. Debugging RuntimeError: workspace already in transaction mode from arcpy.da.UpdateCursor and ArcSDE feature classes?

The main difference is that I already had an SDE connection file in my directory. Should this be re-created each time the script is executed to avoid this error?

__author__ = 'Administrator'

from arcpy import *
import GetSRConfig
import os
import time

def GetDateTimeString(n = None):
        """ format a datetime to string """
            s = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
            s = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
            if((isNumeric(n)==True) and ((n>4) and (n<14))):
               s = s[0:n]
               s = s[0:14]
        return s

def isNumeric(s):
    b = True
        i = float(s)
    except:    # not numericelse:    # numeric
        b= False
    return b

P6featureName = GetSRConfig.SDELayer
Parent = "dbo.DEFAULT"
version = "myVersion" + GetDateTimeString(12)
featureLyr = "lyr" + GetDateTimeString(12)

print version
# Server = ***
# Service = ***
user ="dbo"
# Pass = ***
# SDE = 'E:\C_Drive_files\Administrator'\311Request\data\ServiceRequest.sde'
temploc = ""
fil = "SDETempConn"

env.overwriteOutput = True

#Create Version
print "Creating version"
arcpy.CreateVersion_management (GetSRConfig.SDEConnFile, Parent, version, "PUBLIC")
VersionName = user.upper() + "." + version

#Create new connection
workspace = os.path.join (temploc, fil + ".sde")
print workspace
P6feature = os.path.join (workspace, P6featureName)
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management (GetSRConfig.SDELayer, featureLyr)

#Start editing
print "Initiating editing"
edit = arcpy.da.Editor (GetSRConfig.SDEConnFile)
edit.startEditing ()

#Test Cursor
print "Testing cursor"
P6Cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor (featureLyr, ["VehicleNam"])
for row in P6Cursor:
    print row[0]
del row
del P6Cursor

#Stop/save edits
print "Stopping editing"

#Switch to version
print "Switching version"
arcpy.ChangeVersion_management(featureLyr, "TRANSACTIONAL", Parent)

#Reconcile and post
print "Reconciling and posting"
arcpy.ReconcileVersions_management (GetSRConfig.SDEConnFile, "", Parent, VersionName, with_post = "POST", with_delete = "DELETE_VERSION")

Best Answer

You might want to check your license manager or your connection to same.

I have just started experiencing this problem in the middle of a python coding session. Things were working fine until all of the sudden I started pulling this error during 'import arcpy'. Specifically on the env portion.

I have discovered that there is an issue between me and our license managers. I am VPN'd into our network. When I remote to my desktop, all is well. When I try to connect via ArcGIS Administrator to our two license managers, I get intermittent results.
I am the sysadmin for the LMs and when connected directly to them, they show no problem.

In my case, the issue is something related to the VPN tunnel and the LMs.

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