Open Source GIS – Workflow for Georeferencing Imagery Using Open Source Tools


Does anyone have a recommendation for a work flow for georeferencing high resolution aerial photography using open source tools? Comparison of user friendliness and robustness between Quantum GIS versus GDAL?

Best Answer

GDAL user-friendliness is basically nonexistent, but hot damn does it ever work well. I wrote up this guide to my own georeferencing experiments a few years ago:

It's a bit out of date, but the basic elements are there: find matching points between your image and a reference map (I'd now recommend in favor the one at, use gdal_translate to knock up a virtual raster, and then you're basically done in the sense that the resulting VRT file can be converted to the GeoTIFF or tile of your choice.

I'm doing a lot with this right now, including collaborating with Tim Waters on the excellent server-side Map Warper mentioned in this thread, so there may be some new stuff in the near future loosely based on some experiments I did in JS last year:

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