[GIS] WMTS not loading in QGIS


I'm using QGIS 2.12 and trying to load the following WMTS layer

from http://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/CBME_CBCE_HS_RO_3978/MapServer

When I add a new WMS layer in QGIS I can connect to the server and add the desired layer but the layer doesn't load. I'm stuck with a blank page.

Best Answer

When this happens to me, it's usually one of the following:

  • try "zoom to content" on the layer, to adjust your bounding box
  • check, if your CRS in QGIS matches the one, you load from the WMS
  • try zooming in, as layers may have a styling rule to be only shown at a certain zoom level


Took a further look at the service and tried to get plain tiles but that didn't work:

By KVP params:


By tile index:


It just gives empty tiles. Maybe it's about the service provider in this case.


Somehow, the tileindex seems to be messed up. I had a look at the tiles, your esri web application uses. You could check it by using developer tools in your browser (F12). One sample tile is


You also get it from the service with the KVP-syntax:


But if you compare this with the tile indices, given in the capabilities document, those tiles are way out of the given tile matrix bounds, which is Columns: 5140 Rows: 4717 for matrix level 17

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