[GIS] wms layer not shown on geoserver while wfs works fine


I have a really strange problem which I don't know how to solve.
I have shp file I've import into PostGIS using PostGIS Loader (made sure the srs is 4326 same is shp file) .

In geoserver (2.6.1) I've created a postgres store and published the table I've imported , set it SRS (WGS84) and style (default Polygon).

Now this is where things go weird and I have no idea how to approach this problem:

  1. If I Preview the layer via WFS (KML/GeoJson/CSV etc…) I get the txt files with all features inside.

  2. If I try to preview via openlayers or any other WMS (like geotiff) either I see empty map or get error

  3. When I create a store of shp files with the data I've imported , it shows fine as wms.

Here is example that I do see features via wfs (csv) but error in wms.

Any idea ?!

enter image description here

It was pointed out in comments that "width=78450&height=330" is a strange size (although this is what geoserver auto generate in preview) so I've manually edited the request to :


and now I get empty image:
enter image description here

Since I do see the data in the shp files preview :


I tend to think that the problem is somewhere from reading the data from PostGIS.

enter image description here

Last thing I did is comparing the shp layer settings to the postgis layer settings but I don't see anything that might hint on the problem I have:

enter image description here

Update 2:

I've checked geoserver log and noticed that the following query returns null:

SELECT encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Simplify(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"), 0.002246433788820923)),'base64') as "the_geom" FROM datatable

Now , the_geom column is geometry type and is not null .
When running ST_Simplify it brings back null :

This is working :

SELECT ST_Force_2D("the_geom") as "the_geom" FROM "public"."datatable"

This brings the nulls :

SELECT ST_Simplify(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"), 0.002246433788820923) as "the_geom" FROM "public"."datatable"

Any idea why ?

Best Answer

The solution to this is to remove the checkbox from the store definition : enter image description here