[GIS] WMS blank map returned


I am facing this problem 3th day and I really don't know where is the problem, so please help me.

Here is my REQUEST: http://geoportal.cuzk.cz/WMS_SM5V_PUB/service.svc/get?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=SM_STP_HRBITOV&STYLES=&CRS=EPSG%3A102067&BBOX=-895000,-865000,-623000,-620000&WIDTH=1600&HEIGHT=610&FORMAT=image/png&

Here is Capabilities file: http://geoportal.cuzk.cz/WMS_SM5V_PUB/WMService.aspx?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&

Can somebody please explain me why blank map is returned?

Best Answer

SM_STP_HRBITOV is part of a group layer called Symboly_typu_pozemku. You can view the layer on its own, but as it appears there aren't many of this type of symbol in the map, you might want to check your query with the group layer...

Layers in this group are scale dependent


Which roughly equates to 1:6500 in a GIS client. I have the group layer showing in QGIS at 1:6700 for example.

Looking at your query using the group layer instead also returns a blank image, so whilst it is possible that the reason your query returns a blank image is that there are no such layer features in the region you have selected, it is more likely that your query is too big ~ attempts to pull back an image at a smaller scale than that supported by the symbology layer.

Some examples of requests that work are:

symbology layer


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