[GIS] wine + LAStools in QGIS 2.8.1, Ubuntu 14.04


I can't get wine + LAStools to work in QGIS 2.8.1 (ubuntu 14.04). I only get the 22 open source functions that comes with QGIS. Outside qgis wine + LAStools works fine.

My guess is that I am not specifying the folders correctly under Processing Options -> Tools for LiDAR data, and I can't find any documentation about it. You can enter the LAStools folder and the wine folder but it is not clear how this should be done. I looked at the source code for LAStoolsUtils.py where I believe this is partly handled. I think this line is important.

folder = wine_folder + "/wine " + lastools_folder

My LAStools folder can be found at:


So I put:

[wine folder] /home/.../

[LAStools folder] /drive_c/LAStools/QGIS_toolbox/processing

I thought /.wine could be the problem but changing /wine to /.wine did not help. I also tried all kinds of variation on the directory paths but nothing worked.

Any ideas how to get this to work? There are other questions like this but for windows/MAC. E.g.
Using LAStools in QGIS gives "global name 'os' is not defined"?

Best Answer

This is rapidlasso, creators of LAStools. It should be possible to configure QGIS such that a call to "WinE" is automatically prepended to each LAStools call. That is the idea behind providing an option to specify a "wine folder" ... you may ask in the LAStools user forum on google groups or see the comments of this rapidlasso blog article.

The issue was finally solved. There was a bug in the processing scripts and therefore the mere presence of a path to the Wine folder did not - as intended - enable the use of Wine on non-Windows system. In the latest version of QGIS this should be fixed. For the discussion that led to finding this bug and a work-around for older QGIS versions see this thread in the LAStools user forum.