[GIS] Why won’t the QGIS Lisboa MSYS and OSGeo4W shortcuts launch


I'm trying to deploy Quantum GIS Lisboa to 64bit windows 7 machines the installation works fine but the shortcuts wont run

With an error Windows cannot find "C:\Program"

This also happens on XP sp3 machines

The version I'm installing is QGIS-OSGeo4W-1.8.0-1-Setup.exe

Best Answer

Can you check o4w_env.bat in your bin folder if it reads:

@echo off
rem Make parent of this script location our current directory,
rem converting UNC path to drive letter if needed
pushd %~dp0
cd ..

set OSGEO4W_ROOT=%cd%
for %%f in ("%OSGEO4W_ROOT%"\etc\ini\*.bat) do call "%%f"
echo OSGEO4W home is %OSGEO4W_ROOT%

I think the " " around %OSGEO$W_ROOT% are important. Unless the variable is broken. Running the bat should return

OSGEO4W home is C:\Program Files (x86)\Quantum GIS Lisboa

Manually editing the bat file, this works also:

set OSGEO4W_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Quantum GIS Lisboa

on Windows 7. If that works, run the bat files in etc\ini one by one to see which one makes trouble.