[GIS] Why ModelBuilder cannot see Summary Statistics field


I'm having some problems adapting a few models inherited by me from a colleague.

Inside this model, we attempt to calculate Summary Statistics, but the model can't find the field that it needs to use. ModelBuilder refuses to show it to me, despite the fact that the Feature Class in this calculation possesses the field in question.

Has anyone seen weird problems like this one?

The original model was for 9.3 and I'm rebuilding it in 9.3.1. Any pitfalls I'm not aware?

Best Answer

Try running the model from 'Edit' mode only up to the output just prior to the 'Summary Stats' tool. Then open the Summary Stats tool and see if the correct variables, etc have populated. Sometimes models need to be run once successfully before populating the 'next tool' correctly. It's wierd, but on the rare occassion that has happened to me, that usually works for me. Validate the model as well, then save.

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