[GIS] Why don’t some layers line up afer converting Mapinfo TAB to Shapefile


I have 6 MapInfo layers / TAB files which I need to convert to ESRI ShapeFiles, preferably using QGIS. When a colleague opens these in MapInfo 10, they all look fine and line up correctly. When I open them in QGIS, however, some layers are at completely different X / Y coordinates, and are tiny when compared to other layers.

When my colleague uses the universal translater in MapInfo 10 it creates all the shape files (it actually creates more, there are polyline, rectangle, region and ellipse files), but again when I open up the resulting shape files in QGIS (I click on "user defined projection" during opening) it has the same result.

In MapInfo under Map -> Options -> Projection I can see the projection as "Longitude / Latitude".

Any ideas how I can export all my MapInfo layers to ESRI shape files, and retain their shape / size and location? I can get access to MapInfo 10 if changes in the source TAB files are required.

Thanks in advance, really stuck on this one!


EDIT: I know the process to convert MapInfo to ShapeFiles, and have tried this both in QGIS and MapInfo 10. The problem remains, no matter which application I use to make the conversion, there are problematic layers which are not in the correct location, and are tiny compared to the source layers. If someone has some insight as to how to see the projection for each TAB file, and how to change it that would be the starting point, I guess. This is NOT a question on how to convert from one format to the other!

Best Answer

You can also do this with QGIS. Basically, QGIS acts as a GUI for ogr2ogr.

Just load the Mapinfo file, right-click the layer in TOC and go to "Save as ..." where you can chose from many output formats.

(Above answer is given by @underdark for the similar question .Please check this @ here )

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