[GIS] Why does the algorithm shortestpathpointtopoint in QGIS3 using pyqgis only work in the second run


A part of my skript uses the shortestpathpointtopoint algorithm, but it does only work in the second run (Python Console within QGIS). The discussed part of the script looks like

points_lyr = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName(u'cabinets')[0]
network_lyr = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName(u'pipes')[0]

for f in points_lyr.getFeatures():
    if f.attribute('Art') == 2:
        pStart = QgsPointXY(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y())
    elif f.attribute('Art') == 4:
        pStop = QgsPointXY(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y())

print('Start: ', pStart)
print('Stop: ', pStop)

parameters = {'INPUT': network_lyr,
                'STRATEGY': 0,
                'DIRECTION_FIELD': '',
                'VALUE_FORWARD': '',
                'VALUE_BACKWARD': '',
                'VALUE_BOTH': '',
                'DEFAULT_DIRECTION': 2,
                'SPEED_FIELD': '',
                'DEFAULT_SPEED': 1,
                'TOLERANCE': 0,
                'START_POINT': pStart,
                'END_POINT': pStop,
                'OUTPUT': 'memory:'}

my_line = processing.run('qgis:shortestpathpointtopoint', parameters)

This works perfectly, but only in the second run. In the first run I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File
"C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\Python37\lib\code.py", line 90, in runcode
exec(code, self.locals) File "", line 1, in File "", line 37, in File
line 96, in run
return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, parameters, onFinish, feedback, context) File
line 139, in runAlgorithm
raise QgsProcessingException(msg)
_core.QgsProcessingException: Unable to execute algorithm Incorrect parameter value for START_POINT

The prints of start&stop work in the first run. I don't get what I am doing wrong here.

Best Answer

After trying another input-type, it worked

for f in points_lyr.getFeatures():
    if f.attribute('Art') == 2:
        #pStart = QgsPointXY(f.geometry().asPoint().x(), f.geometry().asPoint().y())
        pStart = str(f.geometry().asPoint().x()) + ',' + str(f.geometry().asPoint().y())

for f in points_lyr.getFeatures():
    if f.attribute('Art') == 4:
        #pStop = QgsPointXY(f.geometry().asPoint().x(), f.geometry().asPoint().y())
        pStop = str(f.geometry().asPoint().x()) + ',' + str(f.geometry().asPoint().y())

parameters = {'INPUT': network_lyr,
                'STRATEGY': 0,
                'DIRECTION_FIELD': '',
                'VALUE_FORWARD': '',
                'VALUE_BACKWARD': '',
                'VALUE_BOTH': '',
                'DEFAULT_DIRECTION': 2,
                'SPEED_FIELD': '',
                'DEFAULT_SPEED': 1,
                'TOLERANCE': 0,
                'START_POINT': pStart,
                'END_POINT': pStop,
                'OUTPUT': 'memory:'}

So it does not work in the first run, when I use QgsPointXY, but it works when the input is a string. Don't know why, but I can work with strings as well.

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