[GIS] Why does running the SAGA Upslope Area tool in QGIS result in a 0 (zero) to 0 (zero) histogram and an all black layer


I am using QGIS in order to delineate a watershed, and am using 1/3 arcsecond DEMs. I have created a Filled DEM using the SAGA Fill Sinks xxl (Wang & Liu) tool. Next I ran the SAGA Channels and Drainage Basins tool, where the Channels were the only useful result. From here, using the Coordinate Capture plugin I was able to exact a coordinate point on the most downstream part of the channel (or river in this case) that I am trying to create the watershed of.

From here, I ran the SAGA Upslope Area tool using the Filled DEM raster and the (x,y) coordinate I just captured. The resulting layer that I created, however, was all black and the histogram distribution is min=0 and max=0. Why does this Upslope Area Layer not give me a result in which the min = 0 and the max = 100 and the resulting layer shows me the Upslope portion above that point in white and everything else in black?

What would the sources of my problems be? How do I fix them?

Best Answer

The SAGA Upslope Area tool has worked for you correctly, though you would be seeing the black output layer (Upslope Area), plus Min=0 and Max=0 statistics in its Symbology panel.

Change the Max setting from zero to a small number (< 1.0), like 0.2 in my example (below).

enter image description here

You will find a blob around the point you have given as the outlet coordinates. That is your Upslope Area. Please check the cell values by the Identify tool and adjust the max value accordingly.

enter image description here

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