[GIS] Why does Print composer draw wrong coordinates


QGIS Version: 2.14.3

EPSG: 32630 (WGS 84 UTM Zone 30N)

I´m trying to draw a grid with EPSG: 32630. Layers are in the same CRS. As you see, coordinates are completely off. It does not matter if I use decimals or degree. Doing the same in ArcGIS 10.4 works without problems, so I think the data is fine.

The real coordinates are around 43°N and 3°W. Is this just a bug in the current QGIS version? I did not use QGIS recently, so I do not know if this worked in previous versions like the current LTR (2.8).


Best Answer

Looks like you're using a CRS in metres but trying the style it using a degrees based format. You'll either need to set the grid projection to a geographic one (ie WGS84), or use a different coordinate format.

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