[GIS] Why does Clip keep giving Error 999999: Error executing Function Invalid Topology [Topoengine Error]


The layer being used as the Clip Features has been used before and worked fine, so I assume the issue is the layer I am trying to Clip (Input Features) – I keep receiving the same error when running the Clip tool :

Error 999999: Error executing Function Invalid Topology [Topoengine

The Clip tool has worked fine prior to this. After reading online similar queries regarding this error, the solution in the majority of cases was to change the Input Features to a shapefile – I have done this but receive the same error.

What is my best workaround for this issue?

Best Answer

Couple of suggestions:

  1. Run Check Geometry tool on your layer that you wish to clip, you could then follow that up with a Repair Geometry if it finds errors. You may wish to do that on a backed up copy.
  2. Check whether the coordinate systems are different. Perhaps you are trying to Clip a dataset in Decimal Degrees with a dataset that is in Meters or vice versa? If so, reproject the Decimal Degrees data into the coordinate system of the other.
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