[GIS] Why does ArcMap crash if I try this Join Field (which ArcPy does not like either)


Have an "AddJoin" that results in no shared records, which is not what I'm expecting. Is it because I'm using a text field for the join? Something else? I'm trying to do this on point features from featureclass layers in a file gdb and a shapefile (both expressed as TableViews) on which I've performed a arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(). No cursors are being used.

Thanks for any ideas. ArcGIS 10.0. Also, ArcMap crashes if I try a JoinField on the same fields.

>>> arcpy.GetCount_management("GagesII")
<Result '1'>
>>> for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("GagesII"):
...     gageid=row.getValue("GAGE_ID")
>>> gageid
>>> arcpy.GetCount_management("StreamGageEvent")
<Result '1'>
>>> for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("StreamGageEvent"):
...     sourcefea=row.getValue("SOURCE_FEA")
>>> sourcefea
>>> if gageid==sourcefea:
...     print 'yes'
>>> arcpy.AddJoin_management("GagesII", 'GAGE_ID', "StreamGageEvent", "SOURCE_FEA", "KEEP_COMMON")
<Result 'GagesII'>
>>> arcpy.GetCount_management("GagesII")
<Result '-1'>

Best Answer

You say:

ArcMap crashes if I try a JoinField on the same fields

My feeling is that if it cannot be done interactively then the issue is outside of ArcPy and you should look more closely at your data.

Perhaps try working on fresh copies of your feature class and shapefile and see whether they can be joined both via the layer's context menu (which will give you an option to validate the join) and the Join Field tool.

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