[GIS] Why do vectors disappears when zooming in


I have imported a .gpx file into qgis and separated the track waypoints using Vector > GPS > GPS tools. When viewing at full extent I can see the original track and component waypoints. However when I zoom in, the track lines disappear but the waypoints are still there. I have tried:

  • checking track layer scale dependent rendering is OFF
  • exporting track layer as .shp and adding to map
  • moving track layer to top of layer stack
  • toggling map rendering

but still cannot view track when zooming in. Any ideas?


[EDIT] I have uploaded Pic1 which shows zoomed to the layer extent ('GPX tracklog export'). Pic2 is when it has zoomed in with mouse wheel and part of the shapefile has diappeared. Note these are the gpx file tracklog exported as a shapefile.

Pic1 - at image extent

Pic2 - zoom in

Best Answer

Does it help to insert points into the way geometry?

Sometimes ways don't get rendered if all points of the way are outside the current window.

[EDIT 2] from user19425 I can't seem to add a separate comment, possibly because this is a closed question. But anyway thanks Joost, that worked. Are you aware if this is a tracked bug?