[GIS] Why can’t I export XY data to a shapefile

arcgis-10.0arcgis-desktopexportms accessshapefile

I have added a table from Access to ArcMap, and then used 'Display XY data' to plot points. When I then try to export the Events to a shapefile I get an error message telling me:

"Error exporting data.
Create output feature class failed"

Followed by:

"Warning: Some records may not have been exported correctly."

and then:

"There was an error exporting the layer."

Can anyone tell me why this is happening, and how I can export my data?

I was able to export an almost identical file this morning with no problems. I'm saving straight to my C drive, so no unusual characters in the files path. All the fields are either text or Long types, and none have long names/unusual characters in their names.

I've tried restarting ArcMap and my machine, and exporting to several different locations.

I'm using version 10, with Access 2007, and there are 7332 points in the table.

Best Answer

I had this exact same problem today. It wasn't permissions, it was weird characters in my data. As it turned out, I had pound signs (#) in the labels column and when I got rid of those, the shapefile export worked perfectly.

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