[GIS] Why are the Google basemaps no longer appearing in QGIS


I had done a few projects using Google Physical/Streets as basemaps but now when I re-open those projects all layers appear except for the google basemap (other layers include .kml).

I had previously had this issue when I had a poor internet connection – the basemap would not load – but I now have a good connection so that should not be the problem.

I have also tried starting a new project and adding Google Physical there but likewise nothing appears. In the old projects I have tried removing and re-adding the basemap but no luck.

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the OpenLayers Plugin (version 1.3.6) but the problem persists. When I use the plugin to add OSM however it does work (but I need Google for these projects).

I have verified the CRS and have it set to WGS 84/Peudo Mercator EPSG:3857

I am using QGIS 2.8.2-Wien on Mac

How do I make Google Physical visible again?

Best Answer

Do not use the OpenLayers Plugin, it sucks. Use QuickMapServices instead. (see my comment below on why I think it sucks)

Or you can add the google tileserver directly as a raster layer.

Open up an XML file and paste this in:

<!-- Data is subject to term of use detailed at http://code.google.com/intl/nl/apis/maps/terms.html and
 http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/help/terms_maps.html -->

<Service name="TMS">
    <!-- <ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=m&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl> --> <!-- Map -->
     <ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl> --> <!-- Satellite -->
    <!-- <ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl> --> <!-- Hybrid -->
    <!-- <ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=t&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl> --> <!-- Terrain -->
    <!-- <ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=p&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl> --> <!-- Terrain, Streets and Water  -->
<Cache />

Then load that XML file as a raster layer.

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