[GIS] Why are the additional Add-In folders disappearing


I thought it just something I was doing. Then someone emailed me about about the same issue. Then I checked a user that I set up on ArcGIS 10 and his had been wiped.

It doesn't happen right away–days go by before the AddInFolder XML tags in the AddInFolders.xml are removed for no apparent reason.

Is this a regular occurrence? A documented bug? User error?

I've checked set Read-only attribute on the file, so hopefully that makes it stick. But users can't add Add-In folders (not necessarily a bad thing for me).

Best Answer

So this is the culprit. It's a far more likely reason than the answer I posted yesterday (also reproducible, but not easily).

"NIM060555: ArcMap Add-ins stored on a network drive does not persist if ArcCatalog is opened between ArcMap sessions".

I was able to reproduce several times.

The work around of setting the read-only attribute on the AddInFoldersList.xml works, but user can't add/remove folders while in ArcMap.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open ArcMap.
  2. Go to Customize > Add-In Manager > Options Tab.
  3. Click ‘Add Folder’ > then add folder from a mapped network drive that contains an add-in.
  4. Select “Load all Add-Ins without restrictions” and click close.
  5. Now go to Customize > Customize Mode > Commands Tab.
  6. Select the newly added Add-in Control and Drag + dock the add-in tool to an ArcMap toolbar.
  7. Close ArcMap, then re-open ArcMap and go to Customize > Add-In Manager.
  8. Note that the add-in is still available here and in the toolbar.
  9. Close ArcMap again and open ArcCatalog. Without doing anything, close ArcCatalog and once again open ArcMap.
  10. Go to Customize > Add-In Manager. You will now notice that the Add-In is no longer available.