[GIS] Why are KML/KMZ parts missing after upload to Google Maps

google mapskmlkmz

I have a problem with a KMZ file uploaded to my Google Maps places:

As you can see I have a polygon KMZ file (converted from a shapefile in ArcMap) that has 12 parts but the Google Maps shows only four of them at once (i.e., on three separate views). How can I fix it so they're all visible? Any idea?

The KML is 3,9Mb that's why I made a KMZ that is 0,9Mb.

Best Answer

I employed a trick described here and could get all your polygons in one page

Trick is:

First get the URL of the KML export. When viewing your Custom Map, right click the 'KML' link and copy the link to the clipboard (probably something like 'Copy Shortcut' or 'Copy Link Address' - depends on your browser)

Now display your KML again. I have found it best to open a new Google Maps window, probably just go-to http://maps.google.com and paste in the URL copied earlier INTO the search box, and click the Search Maps button.