[GIS] Which web application framework is easiest for building website displaying lot of geospatial data


I am building a simple website that displays a lot of geospatial data (which is routed through Geoserver). I was trying to use Drupal-6 to build the website component (non geospatial descriptions) but had plenty of issues dealing with openlayers and other modules as well as deploying it properly.

My goals are simple – to display geospatial data (with Google maps background) and a normal website with a big menu and different explanatory content.

Which web application framework is easiest (for a non web programmer) to achieve these two goals based on your experience

Best Answer

first of all i want to advice you to look at this thread which has Comparasion of Javascript Mapping Libraries. At least it will give some information about web mapping libraries.

i want to advice as everyone does, openlayers is so good library but it is a bit harder from others because of having good amount of functionality.if you think the way forward openlayers fits like a glove in that web mapping world. Beside this you can take lots of help when you dont solve any problem.

you still want something simple, i advice you Polymaps.. it is really so easy to develop a web mapping application.

enter image description here

Polymaps is a free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers.

i hope it helps you...

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