[GIS] Where to find Vietnam administrative level 4 shapefile


I am new to mapping, and would like to make a custom map using Vietnam's administrative boundaries shape file. I found a great source at gadm.org, but it is licensed for non-commercial use only.

I am not currently planning to do anything commercial, but didn't know if there might be another source that is not as restrictive just so that I don't have to worry down the line? I have looked around and it seems really hard to find.

I looked at OpenStreetMap (OSM), but I think they don't get as specific as the gadm.org files, OSM seems to only get down to rural districts and not the commune level.

I might be wrong about OSM though, as I haven't really delved into it.

Best Answer

The GADM database of Global Administrative Areas has downloadable shapefile up to level four for Viet Nam. One of the best covered country.


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