GDAL Documentation – Where to Find Official Documentation of gdal/ogr for Best Practices


Where can I find the official docs for gdal/ogr python API?

I am looking for something comprehensive which shows all the classes with descriptions of their attributes, methods and input/output types. So far I have been using but this appears to have been generated for an older version of gdal/ogr. For instance I am using gdal version 2.2.2 and it appears that in the docs the OGRDriver class is not shown, only the GDALdriver class is shown. At the bottom of the link the following is stated:

Created for gdal by doxygen 1.8.8

I'm not sure if 1.8.8 refers to gdal version or doxygen version, in any case I would like to find the proper documentation for the version of gdal I am using?

Best Answer

You can find official GDAL documentation at

All classes documentations are here:

Also you can read Raster API tutorial and Vector API tutorial

For python there are examples in tutorial, but the best place is GDAL tests, which written in python:

Most of python usage are covered by this tests.

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