[GIS] When to store geometries using SQL-server geometry datatypes or ArcSDE

developmententerprise-geodatabasesql server

With the release of SQL Server 2008 Microsoft added geometry data types. So geometries can now in an ESRI enviroment be either be stored using SQL-Server datatypes or ArcSDE datatypes.

A colleague of mine asked today when should we choose one product over the other?

We already have business databases in SQL-Server and in ArcSDE, if we need to create a new database, what options do we have? Are there any advantages/disadvantages to storing data in one way or other?

Refrased, Old Question is here:

"With the release of SQL Server 2008 Microsoft added geometry data types. So geometries can now either be stored in SQL-Server or ArcSDE.
A colleague of mine asked today when should we choose one product over the other?
We already have business databases in SQL-Server and in ArcSDE, if we need to store a new polyline, is there any reason to promote one place over the other?

Best Answer

So geometries can now either be stored in SQL-Server or ArcSDE.

The two are not mutually exclusive. ArcSDE always requires an RDBMS to store data so you're not storing your data "in ArcSDE" or "in SQL Server." If you're using SQL Server, your data will always be stored in tables in a database in a SQL Server instance.

How your data is stored is up to you. ArcSDE works with data stored as Microsoft's geometry (and geography) types. This is the most versatile option as you get access to your geometries with raw SQL but you can also used advanced functionality only available through Esri's Geodatabase. The alternative to using Microsoft's spatial types is to use Esri's SDE binary type which is not readily usable with raw SQL. Check out this help topic for more info: Feature classes in a geodatabase in SQL Server