[GIS] What’s the correct transformation for Lambert Conformal Conic for Mexico

coordinate systemlambert-conformal-conicmexicoqgis

I have a shp archive without the .prj file. I don´t know the proyection of this shp, but I think it is in lambert conformal conic. Can anybody helpme to proyect this shp? i´ve tried to proyect it in wgs84 utm 16N and geografic wgs84, but i have no success. this shp is from Quintana Roo, México. I´m working in qgis

Best Answer

Two Lambert conformal conic definitions for Mexico were recently added to the EPSG Geodetic Parameter registry. Both have the same projection parameters, but are based upon different geographic coordinate reference systems. The projection parameters are:

central meridian / longitude of origin: -102.0
latitude of origin: +12.0
standard parallel 1: +17.5
standard parallel 2: +29.5
false easting: 2500000.0 m
false northing: 0.0 m

The two geographic coordinate reference systems are both ITRF-based and have transformations to WGS 84 with parameters equal to zeroes.

Note: I'm on the subcommittee that maintains the registry.