OpenStreetMap – What’s the Best Way to Implement Routing Through Areas Such as Parking Lots


I'm using OSM2PO to route for walking directions and I've noticed a lot of the OSM walking paths are not ideally setup.

For example there are many paths which get divided up by parking lots, which are obviously walkable, but they are ignored and not converted to roads, so the router believes you can't walk through them. This results in much longer walking distances than necessary.

Is there any practical way to deal with this? I guess the same problem occurs when dealing with any "areas" that are walkable (ie. parks without paths through them).

Another issue is where sidewalks do not connect to roads. In many situations this again leads to sub par routing results.

OSM has these issues all over the place. It sounds like a difficult problem, but a common one, so I'm wondering if anyone has addressed this in a practical way.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Best Answer

The only practical way is to add the 'missing' routes the data yourself. OSM probably shouldn't be putting parking lots into its walking routes. There are liability issues with adding routes that aren't real, properly maintained pedestrian paths. A parking lot, though walkable, could be dangerous and could be private property. You'll have similar issues with parks or any other space that isn't built for pedestrian travel. Consider these issues carefully before routing people through these areas.

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