Accuracy of Web Mercator EPSG:3857 – Detailed Analysis

accuracycoordinate systemmercatorweb-mercator

Are there any references on the accuracy or (min/max/avg) error of Web Mercator when it comes to e.g. distance calculations?

For the sake of completeness, I haven't found any reference to the accuracy Web Mercator. In contrast, spatial computations in WGS-84 projection are, due to Charles Karney, highly accurate as described in This, however, requires Gnomonic projection of coordinates for point to line projections which is very costly in GIS software. An alternative is the use of de-facto standard Web Mercator which must be questioned if accuracy is sufficient.

Best Answer

As a first step, you could look at the distortions of the Mercator projection, which is a conformal projection. Distance with this projection is only correct along the equator, then the error increase with the latitude. Indeed, as you can see on a global view, the parallels keep the same legnth on the maps. For example, the horizontal scale factor, which is 1 at the equator, is equal to 1.15 at a latitude of 30° (15% error), 2 at a latitude of 60° and 11.5 at a latitude of 85° (scale factor 1/cos(latitude) )

Web Mercator uses WGS 84 Lat/Long as if they were angles on a sphere, presumably to reduce the processing time. This leads to more distortions, especially when you move away from the equator, that make the Web Mercator non-conformal. However,the impact of the "pseudo-sphericity" on distance measurements at high latitude is a lot smaller than the design of the Mercator projection.

The same reasoning holds for area distortion.