Handling -3.4e+38 Nodata Values in QGIS


I am trying to process some bioclimatic raster files, such as can be downloaded from http://www.worldclim.org/current (bioclim set). They seem to have nodata values set to -3.4e+38 according to QGIS (looking at the output of gdalinfo, it's -3.39999999999999996e+38).

It seems that gdal tools aren't able to deal with this nodata value, and qgis doesn't seem to be able to recognise it either. In the layer styling, there's an entry for -3.4e+38 set to 100% transparent, but it still displays such values, even though the "Identify features" picker shows them as having value -3.4e+38.

I have tried creating a vrt to convert the nodata values to -9999 instead, but that hasn't worked either.

How can I process such files to have usable nodata values?

nodata values picked up from file
setting transparency has no effect

Best Answer

I managed to find a workaround for this issue by converting the data format to Int16 from Float32. The minimum value is then -32768 and can be processed as a nodata value. The following command did the trick:

gdal_translate -ot Int16 -a_nodata -32768 input.tif output.tif

There's probably a better solution, but this solves my immediate problem at least.

nodata picked up correctly

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